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Remedies for high blood pressure

Remedies for high blood pressure

High blood pressure occurs when the arteries experience tension or high pressure. It is also known as hypertension. You must have noticed that your blood pressure readings consist of two numbers in the format x/y. X, the numerator denotes the systolic blood pressure. This number reflects the pressure experienced by the arteries as your heart contracts.
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Remedies to relieve leg muscle cramps

Remedies to relieve leg muscle cramps

Had a leg day at the gym and got your leg attacked by muscle cramps? Well, we do understand the excruciating pain you may be going true. These cramps are no less than a nightmare and lead you to have sleepless nights and helpless days. Legs cramps most commonly hit the calves and can obstruct your movement for long.
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Symptoms of inguinal and hiatal hernia

Symptoms of inguinal and hiatal hernia

Inguinal hernia When bulging occurs in a particular portion of bowel through the inguinal canal, it is called inguinal hernia. The tissue from the inner lining of the abdomen and the fatty tissues from the interiors of abdomen combine to create the bulge. The tissues may also come from the intestines.
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Signs and symptoms of Atrial Fibrillation and how to manage them

Signs and symptoms of Atrial Fibrillation and how to manage them

Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) normally presents signs and symptoms related to the malfunctioning of heart. As the heart beats fast and its rhythmic contractions are not regular, some symptoms start to appear. They vary from person to person, but the most common are chest pain and activity intolerance. You will feel the urge not to continue with any exercise because the heart is not capable of maintaining a normal rhythmic contraction to supply blood to the lungs and the entire body.
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The 1200 calorie diet food plan

The 1200 calorie diet food plan

The one word that makes all the difference in our game to fight weight loss, is calories. We’ve organized a plan for you, which can make you fix the calorie chart that torments your diet plan. F ree diet meal plans are a great way to bring down your calorie consumption to 1200 calories, the lowest one can manage in a day.
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The basics of the post menopause stage

The basics of the post menopause stage

Menopause marks the end of a woman’s reproductive life. During the years of transition the woman suffers symptoms like hot flashes, redness of skin, anxiety etc. Most of these symptoms fade off in a year or two. With the topsy-turvy menstrual patterns, it is extremely difficult to ascertain the exact date of ovulation and plan sex.
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