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How to tackle excessive sweating

How to tackle excessive sweating

All human beings sweat to varying degrees. As matter of fact sweating is a means for the body to cool down. The perspiration evaporates and in doing so it cools the body. The drier and the hotter the atmosphere, the more effective is the cooling effect of perspiration. That is why one doesn’t not sweat a lot or feel the need to sweat in very hot and dry weather.
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How to reduce back pain

How to reduce back pain

Back pain can build up slowly or come on abruptly. Either way, it can hamper your day to day activities and worsen if not addressed in time with lower back pain treatment. Back pain can be triggered by a number of conditions including bad posture, musculoskeletal conditions like arthritis, injuries and lifting weights inappropriately.
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How to reduce neck pain while sleeping

How to reduce neck pain while sleeping

In most cases, we have woken up with a pain in the neck area. According to some scientific studies, at any given time, approximately 13 % of all Americans suffer from neck pain. More women than men suffer from pain in the neck area. Neck pain often arises due to the inflammation of the muscles, tendons and ligaments in and around the cervical spine area.
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How to release stress in the upper back and neck

How to release stress in the upper back and neck

Pain and discomfort in the upper back and neck area can figuratively stop us in our tracks. Unless we do something about this, we will not be able to do anything worthwhile. There are many reasons behind this pain and discomfort but very often, the basic cause is how we stand, work and sit.
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How to treat hives?

How to treat hives?

Medically known as urticaria, hives are red swellings on the skin, appearing in different shapes and sizes. These itchy patches do not last longer than six to twelve hours. Hives are a common skin irritation and the causes of this issue are often vague and differ from person to person.
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Lupus – An Overview

Lupus – An Overview

It is the immune system that protects the body from attacks from foreign bodies. It does so by producing certain proteins called antibodies. Sometimes the immune system loses the capacity to distinguish between foreign bodies and attacks the body’s own cells. This condition is called autoimmune disease. There are many conditions that are produced by an overactive immune system and lupus is one.
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