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A few tips for an ideal diet to maintain normal uric acid levels

A few tips for an ideal diet to maintain normal uric acid levels

A high amount of uric acid in your blood is unhealthy. Uric acid, if present in more than the normal amount, can lead to hyperuricemia or gout. Uric acid gets deposited in the joints of our body and leads to gouty arthritis. Moreover, high amounts of uric acid also result in kidney stones and renal failure.
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Things to know about the different stages of bladder cancer

Things to know about the different stages of bladder cancer

The stages of bladder cancer are a standard way for the doctor to describe how far the cancer has spread. This is the most important information that helps the doctor in choosing the best treatment for the case. The most commonly used staging system for bladder cancer is the American Joint Committee on Cancer’s (AJCC) TNM system.
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Tips to prevent infections in hospitals

Tips to prevent infections in hospitals

Did you know, almost five to 10 percent of patients get infections in the hospitals? Now, there can be various reasons why you might need to visit a hospital. You might get admitted to a hospital for a few days, see someone for a few minutes or work as a nurse.
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4 common treatment options for myeloma-affected patients

4 common treatment options for myeloma-affected patients

Cancer cells are those cells in our body that do not function as they are supposed to. When they change, grow and multiply out of control, they cease to be normal within our body. These cells become cancerous. Myeloma occurs within plasma cells; so it is also known as the cancer of the plasma cells.
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3 things you should know about Nivolumab

3 things you should know about Nivolumab

Nivolumab is a trade drug that has been lately attaining recognition in the medical world. Healthcare professionals use Nivolumab instead of opdivo as most of the people are well versed with the former. It was approved after attaining positive results from the patients who had participated in a Nivolumab clinical trial.
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Home remedies for constipation

Home remedies for constipation

Almost everyone experiences difficult bowel movements from time to time. But when the condition becomes chronic, it can make life very uncomfortable. For quick constipation relief and to keep your digestive tract healthy, you can rely on some simple home remedies. Consider these natural remedies next time constipation comes knocking or to keep it at bay.
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