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Depression – Symptoms, causes, and risk factors

Depression – Symptoms, causes, and risk factors

Depression is a mood disorder that can cause a prolonged feeling of gloominess or sadness, and the most commonly diagnosed type of depression is clinical or major depression. It can directly impact how one feels, behaves, and even thinks about situations and people. Additionally, it can lead to several physical as well as emotional issues.
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Top 3 conditions that affect eye health

Top 3 conditions that affect eye health

Many people face eye health issues at some point in their life. While some of these issues are minor and tend to resolve on their own or with basic treatment, others are severe and require a specialist’s care. There are multiple reasons for poor eye health, which might lead to partial or total blindness.
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Relation between family history and pregnancy

Relation between family history and pregnancy

The news of a baby arriving brings an enormous amount of happiness in the family. With pregnancy come the various highs and the lows in the health of the expecting mother. It’s important to remember that family history has an important role in what health conditions the baby may inherit and how parents deal with them.
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Understanding what is gout

Understanding what is gout

Gout is a type of arthritis that can affect any person. Generally, it affects the big toe’s base joint and may appear as sudden and severe pain, redness and tenderness, and swelling. Symptoms may appear and disappear at the slightest trigger, but luckily, there are several ways to prevent flares and manage the symptoms.
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Diabetes – Symptoms, causes, and risk factors

Diabetes – Symptoms, causes, and risk factors

Diabetes is a condition that develops due to high sugar levels in the blood. Insulin, a hormone in the body, helps the sugar in the blood to be transported to different cells of the body. These cells either utilize this sugar for energy or store it for future use. However, in this condition, the body either fails to produce sufficient insulin or is unable to use the insulin that it makes.  Symptoms Some common signs of diabetes (type 1 and type 2) include:
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GERD and its critical aspects

GERD and its critical aspects

GERD stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease and is a condition in which the stomach acid rises back into the food pipe and causes a sense of discomfort. Over time, this continuous backwash impacts the esophagus lining and causes heartburn. A lot of people occasionally experience acid reflux and heartburn, but GERD occurs when this problem becomes a lot more frequent.
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