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Everything You Need to Know about Mold Allergies

Everything You Need to Know about Mold Allergies

Are you prone to allergy over several seasons in a year? Then you might be allergic to molds. Mold allergy, like any other allergy, triggers an irritation in the human immune system. Molds can be found anywhere- under your kitchen sink, on your bathroom floor, or in your basement. It is hard to outrun the molds, and many are airborne.
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Heartburn Signs and Symptoms You Should Know

Heartburn Signs and Symptoms You Should Know

Is it only a heartburn or a heart attack? A heartburn can often be mistaken for a heart attack as many of their symptoms overlap. Even doctors conduct diagnostic tests to rule out the chances of having a heart attack when the patient gets admitted for chest pain. It is, of course, a thing to worry about, but if you can identify the heartburn signs and symptoms, you can quickly take care of yourself and your family in such a panic-stricken situation.
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5 Simple Tips to Lower Uric Acid Levels

5 Simple Tips to Lower Uric Acid Levels

Are you searching for remedies or ways to lower uric acid levels? If yes, then you have certainly come to the right place as here you will get to know detailed information about some of the possible ways of controlling high uric acid levels. It is true that physicians advice to avoid eating a long list of food items to patients who have high levels of uric acid.
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Crohns Disease – Symptoms of a Malfunctioning Immune System

Crohns Disease – Symptoms of a Malfunctioning Immune System

Generally, discussions about bowel movements are considered taboo in a lot of cultures owing to our associated mentality with the topic. We have sympathy for people who complain of irritable bowels, but we mostly tend to ignore this bodily symptom unlike other serious ailments such as fever or muscular cramps.
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Know the Causes of Constipation and Its Treatment

Know the Causes of Constipation and Its Treatment

Do you often have severe pain in your lower abdominal area? Does that pain cause uneasiness and make you feel mentally exhausted? Then this might be due to constipation, and you must seek medical help. Constipation is a condition that results in less than three bowel movements in a week.
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How to Treat Fungal Infections in the Toenails

How to Treat Fungal Infections in the Toenails

Women pay more attention to their toes than men; after all, men rarely wear open-toed shoes while women look for opportunities to flaunt their high heels. However, nail fungus or onychomycosis can affect both men and women. A healthy nail can be described as having a pink section and a white section.
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