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Boost your memory with these simple tips

Boost your memory with these simple tips

Many people have struggled to remember important points during a conversation at some point in life. This phenomenon is loosely termed “brain fog,” and it is caused by hormonal changes, a lack of sleep, dehydration, stress, and similar reasons. Fortunately, brain fog can totally be reversed. A person’s memory can also be enhanced through specific lifestyle changes and habits like meditation, exercising daily, and eating nutritious foods on a daily basis.
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Tooth pain in kids – A few do’s and don’ts to be followed

Tooth pain in kids – A few do’s and don’ts to be followed

Tooth pain is common in children, and it is important that parents know how to distinguish between pain that can be associated with growth and pain due to a serious dental health problem that needs immediate medical attention. The intensity of a toothache may vary depending on the cause. As a parent, it is important to identify the location and duration of pain.
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Common symptoms of tongue cancer

Common symptoms of tongue cancer

Cancer that starts in the cells of the tongue is known as tongue cancer. That on the front of the tongue is called “oral tongue cancer,” and the one that occurs on the base of the tongue is called “oropharyngeal cancer.” The most common type of tongue cancer is squamous cell carcinoma and is classified using stages and grades.
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Low Eosinophil Count – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Management

Low Eosinophil Count – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Management

Eosinophils are a special type of white blood cell ( WBC). Their main function is to protect the body from allergens, bacteria, parasites, and other foreign organisms. Generally, these cells comprise approximately 5% of the body’s WBC. Like white blood cells, when an unknown organism enters the body, these eosinophils release a toxic protein that effectively destroys the invaders.
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Causes, Symptoms, Stages, and Management of Triple-negative Breast Cancer

Causes, Symptoms, Stages, and Management of Triple-negative Breast Cancer

Statistical data suggests that every year, nearly 2,64,000 and 2,400 breast cancer cases are detected nationwide among women and men, respectively. The condition requires early diagnosis and timely treatment for survival and recovery. With rapid advancements in healthcare, oncologists have developed useful treatments for breast cancer. Triple-negative breast cancer is a type of breast cancer affecting 10 to 15% of patients with the condition.
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Stiff Person Syndrome – Types, Causes, Symptoms, and Management

Stiff Person Syndrome – Types, Causes, Symptoms, and Management

Stiff person syndrome, or SPS, is a rare progressive neurological disorder that causes painful muscle spasms, muscle stiffness, and other severe symptoms whose severity varies from person to person. It is primarily an autoimmune condition, meaning it occurs due to the improper functioning of the body’s immune system. Interestingly, stiff person syndrome was initially known as stiff man syndrome but was later renamed, as the disease can affect anyone irrespective of gender or age.
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