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Symptoms of mold allergy in infants

Symptoms of mold allergy in infants

Mold in your house can be very harmful to your kids. It can spread through tiny spores that come away with air. Mold can easily thrive at places with water and warmth. Mold is everywhere; all they need is a chance to grow. People often confuse between symptoms of mold allergy and common fever and cold.
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Reasons for suffering from chronic allergies

Reasons for suffering from chronic allergies

We have all had allergy symptoms, which seem to go away once the season passes. So, are seasons the only reason that these symptoms arise? Are there other reasons that make you seem to struggle at times? What makes you different from someone who constantly takes medication for his/her allergies.
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A brief overview of asthma and its treatment

A brief overview of asthma and its treatment

The critical organ in the respiratory system is the two lungs the left being slightly smaller as it has to accommodate the heart. The tubes that carry air to the lungs divide successively and end up in very filamentous walled sacks called alveoli. The walls are highly vascular and the veins carrying the deoxygenated blood gradually a change to arteries as the blood gets oxygenated.  These tubules called bronchi have very delicate membrane lining them.
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Ways to treat low blood pressure

Ways to treat low blood pressure

The blood pressure as indicated by the name is the pressure with which the blood flows in the body of the human beings. If the pressure is high, the treatment focus would be to lower high blood pressure, and for low pressure, the treatment is to bring it back to normal.
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Foods that help treat low blood pressure

Foods that help treat low blood pressure

High blood pressure can be harmful to live with. Therefore, people wish to lower high blood pressure and include low fats in their diet. Once we become used to eating one kind of food, it is hard to change the habit. But it is necessary to swap our diet to increase blood pressure over time so that balance is maintained.
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Causes and signs of high LDL cholesterol in blood

Causes and signs of high LDL cholesterol in blood

High cholesterol in your blood can lead to a number of complications. It is the primary factor that leads to heart attack. Cholesterols are nothing, but fats that are present in your blood. When these unbroken fats get deposited in the arteries leading to your heart, cardiac arrest occurs. So it is essential to reduce cholesterol levels in your body.
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